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The dream closet case

A Chanel bag, an island in the kitchen and a dream closet. Some of the unconfessed goals of women. Here some inspiration for a dream closet, Elika Gibbs’s wardrobe management service, and a glance at celebrities closets.

Sex and the City 2

Do you know that you can hire someone to manage your closet ? They are women sooo busy with soooo many clothes that can use very well the services of a wardrobe coach. Practical Princess is a company pioneer is this new fashion niche. So if your wardrobe is huge and full but you still have nothing to wear not worth it if you have a PAX though you might want to check what Elika Gibbs’s is doing for her clients.

Elika Gipps

… as a stylist at her dress and hire shop “Bodie and Gibbs” … Elika Gibbs spent seven years transforming women of all shapes and sizes into a goddess for one night of their lives, when they wore the fabulous dresses she hired out. This in turn lead to those clients asking her to help them privately, taking them shopping, and re-organising and revamping their wardrobes.It was the chaos and clutter that she found in everyone’s houses that made Elika realise that there was a huge gap in the market, and it needed to be filled, urgently. A unique business was born. Today, Elika Gibbs is the linch pin of some of the world’s most influential women, whose lives would not begin to work without her organisational input.

Special boxes designed with the picture of the shoes.Wardrobes006

Boutique closet

Boutique closet

Carrie’s in Sex & the City

carrie-bradshaw-hboCarrie's closet

Carrie and Big’s closet in Sex & the City 2

It is love at first sight…


Capture d’écran 2012-12-02 à 17.44.25

Intimate – like Nicole Richie’s one

Functional – with accessories options

Tout ce qui brille – classy

With lots of shelves for the shoes addicts


This is the closet of a famous designer of shoes and handbags (click the picture to be directed to the video).

My closet rules ?

Order by color is a good tip, order by sleeve length is also helping in morning rush, not mixing (dirty) shoes with clothes, and hang clothes as much as possible (even jumpers). This is my little closet. A dream one hey ? No ?

my closet